The Graphic Appraisal Tools for Epidemiology (GATE) workbooks provided here are designed to enable users to document the process of making an evidence based decision, using a standardised process. They are updated every few years as a result of feedback from users. The current versions were updated in 2022.

  • They are presented as Microsoft Excel workbooks, so you will need this software.
  • Each GATE workbook has three main sheets that follow the steps of evidence-based practice. These are: Sheet 1. Ask & Acquire; Sheet 2. Appraise; Sheet 3. Apply.
  • The Appraise sheet includes a complete critical appraisal on one page.
  • The workbooks are designed to be completed and read electronically and the Appraise sheet in particular is not designed to be printed out on paper, as the text will be too small.
  • With the exception of the Systematic Reviews workbook, all workbooks have a calculator embedded in the Appraise sheet. When you type the study numbers into the GATE frame, some simple summary statistics with 95% CIs are calculated in the Table below.
  • The Appraise sheet for the Diagnostic test accuracy workbook also includes a likelihood ratio nomogram (at the bottom of the Appraise sheet) that is automatically filled in when you type numbers into the GATE frame. You can modify the pre-test probability and likelihood ratios by typing into the appropriate cells above the nomogram.
  • Users fill in the yellow- or orange-coloured fields of the workbooks. Many of yellow/orange fields either have prompt questions that should be deleted after addressing the questions or pop-up boxes. These pop-up boxes can be easily moved around by clicking and dragging.
  • Don’t worry if the paper you are appraising doesn’t include all the relevant numbers required to get the calculator to work. The main benefit of keying numbers into the GATE frame is to help you understand what the study is about. The calculator results are a ‘nice to have’ feature, not a ‘required’ feature.
  • Some of the workbooks include a blank template version and a model answer version

Download the GATE workbooks:

  1. Intervention and risk studies workbooks (2 workbooks – blank template and a model answer – attached to email)
  2. Diagnostic test accuracy studies workbooks (2 workbooks – blank template and a model answer – attached to email)
  3. Case control studies workbook (1 workbook – blank template – attached to email)
  4. Systematic reviews (2 workbooks – blank template and a model answer – attached to email)

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